Smart jokes, good acting and an easy plot (really, you don't have to think too much about it).
And so today when I watched this scene:
I thought: "What a smart bunch of authors! I'm sure they inserted some stupid silly joke in that QR code visible on the side of the comic book store desk!"
All excited, I isolated the QR
and then rotated and sharped it with GIMP
Now, it was ready for my cell phone QR code scanner...I was so excited!
A web address! ! I click on it...and there it is: the website of the comic book store in Pasadena (the city where the serial is set).
Clicking on the gallery there are even shots from The Big Bang Theory, like this:
Well, anyway, it was fun until I saw that in the first image, on the front of the desk, there is the same exact address on a big sticker.
Yeah, I thought probably a little too high of the authors.
P.S. E' normale finire di scrivere un post completamente in inglese, rendendosi conto solo alla fine che, cazzo, questo blog è in italiano?
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