lunedì 30 luglio 2012

Tirateli scemi

** WARNING: Soft nude ahead / ATTENZIONE: immagini di nudo **

Era il 15 novembre 2011 in una fredda giornata di quasi-inverno slavo, in ufficio con il mio collega si lavorava al solito.
Una telefonata, una mail, un bug da analizzare e risolvere, improvvisi "blip" dai contatti di eventuali chat attive.
Skype sempre attivo, molti clienti ci contattano direttamente lì, e ovviamente con la possibilità di ricevere chat da sconosciuti.
"tutitu...tituti" chiamata su skype. Ah, no, VIDEOchiamata. Utente sconosciuto "nadiaone1", ma tant'è...rispondiamo lo stesso.
La videocamera si avvia e, POFFARBACCO!, compare una bella ragazza che armeggia con la webcam...giusto due o tre secondi, con lunghi capelli neri e un bel fisico. Non le si vede il viso però, e la chiamata cade subito.
Mi scrive in chat:

[11:59:16] nadiaone1: hello
[11:59:27] nadiaone1: how are you doing please
[11:59:35] Itakian: fine and you?
[11:59:38] Itakian: who are you? :D
[12:00:12] nadiaone1: well i am Nadia from SA but i am lliving in Ghana and u

Ok, Una tizia gnocca Sudafricana che vive in Ghana? Già sgamata: è il solito scammer.
Difatti gli scammer di solito si fanno spedire soldi in Ghana, e non ho ben capito se riguarda particolari leggi che non permetton di sgamarl/perseguirli poi...boh. L'importante è saperlo, e che lo sappiate anche voi.
Bene, che si fa? La giornata non è particolarmente piena, io sono in fase iper-acida e ho proprio voglia di pigliare pesantemente qualcuno per il culo.
Aggiungiamoci che con gli scammer, pià tempo gli fate perdere voi e meno soldi ciuleranno agli altri...e abbiamo la formula. Questo lo tiro scemo.

[12:00:39] Itakian: hello, I'm Itakian and I'm italian :D do you usually look up for people and call them just for fun?
[12:02:42] nadiaone1: what do you mean
[12:02:50] nadiaone1: have you meet before
[12:02:54] Itakian: just asking
[12:03:05] nadiaone1: why do you ask
[12:03:06] Itakian: We never met...did we?
[12:03:19] nadiaone1: i think you are behind something, tell me why

Ah ecco, io chiedo se chiama empre sconosciuti e le chiedo perché, le chiedo se ci conosciamo, e LEI mi dice - notare l'inglese ghanese - "I think you are behind something"???
Uahaha, pleeeeease! Così mi fai già tattica del mettersi sulla difensiva non funziona con me nemmeno se ti conosco, se poi sei uno scammer "sudafricano del Gahana" (che poi, di solito sono dell'est europa - altri paesi dove difficilmente perseguono questi reati - e si fanno semplicemente spedire soldi a complici là).
Ma facciamo finta di cascarci ovviamente ;) E comincio a pressarla un po' per farle credere che mi interesso di lei (lui).

[12:03:25] Itakian: Just because it's rare to get calls from someone you don't know, here on skype
[12:03:30] nadiaone1: i want to hear
[12:03:51] Itakian: actully, it happened to me just 2 times in my life, I think
[12:04:12] nadiaone1: oh okay
[12:05:16] Itakian: still, why did you call me? do you need something or you just wanna talk?
[12:05:40] nadiaone1: just want a friend
[12:06:10] Itakian: what do you do in life? study?
[12:06:18] nadiaone1: yes, you
[12:06:31] Itakian: I work as a ******** stuff and so on
[12:06:40] nadiaone1: ok
[12:06:51] Itakian: that's why I'm always online
[12:07:59] nadiaone1: oh okay
[12:08:16] Itakian: what are you doing right now?
[12:08:42] nadiaone1: chating with you
[12:08:53] Itakian: well..apart from that of course..
[12:09:19] nadiaone1: okay, are you married
[12:09:29] Itakian: yep, and I got a child too
[12:10:03] nadiaone1: ok
[12:13:26] Itakian: what do you study? tell me something about you, if you want of course
[12:14:39] nadiaone1: i study sociology
[12:16:00] Itakian: and do you like it?
[12:34:46] nadiaone1: what do you mean
[12:36:21] Itakian: do I write in english that bad? I thought it was clear
[12:36:36] nadiaone1: Ok
[12:36:42] Itakian: I'm just asking stuff thats all. I thought you wanted to chat (so you told me)
[12:37:07] Itakian: and I'm being - I think - polite too
[12:37:33] nadiaone1: yes i wanted to chat
[12:41:44] Itakian: do you still want?
[12:41:54] nadiaone1: yes
[12:42:11] Itakian: can you tell me something about you? anything you want
[12:42:36] nadiaone1: yes tell me
[12:44:07] Itakian: how old are you?
[12:45:14] nadiaone1: 25yrs
[12:45:47] Itakian: nice age :) are you planning on getting married soon?
[12:47:17] nadiaone1: well no
[12:49:29] Itakian: you don't want to?
[12:49:43] nadiaone1: yes
[12:49:49] Itakian: and how's life in Ghana? Why are you there and not in SA?
[12:51:19] nadiaone1: well is a long story

Here it comes! E' una lunga storia. Difatti di solito dopo la tattica difensiva comincia l'attacco vittimista...sentiamola un po', e godiamoci la storia che si inventerà!

[12:51:59] Itakian: if you want to tell me, I gladly read it ;)
[12:54:12] nadiaone1: well okay i will tell you
[12:58:30] nadiaone1: well i came to Ghana with my mum and i lost here in Ghana and now i am alone here
[12:59:05] nadiaone1: when my father died his family took all his properties from my mum and my mum took me to Ghana

Viveva in SA, suo padre è morto, la famiglia di suo padre le ha portato via tutte le proprietà e lei è scappata in Ghana con la madre.
Buon inizio.

[12:59:47] Itakian: your mum is from ghana? and where is she now?
[12:59:55] nadiaone1: when we came to Ghana my mum died within 2months later and i only live alone
[13:00:05] nadiaone1: my mum from USA
[13:00:36] nadiaone1: but her brother  was living in Ghana so we came and stayed with her brother
[13:00:46] nadiaone1: ever since

Tua madre è Americana, e tu scemaddigguerra scappi in Ghana? Avrai pure il passaporto Americano no?
Ma tant'è, mica mi aspetto mostri di logica a fare gli scammer.

[13:01:03] Itakian: and you live with your brother then, does he have a family ?
[13:01:27] nadiaone1: she also died
[13:01:34] nadiaone1: now i have no one here
Ecco, pure la madre è morta.
[13:02:19] Itakian: you live all alone?
[13:02:24] Itakian: poor girl :(

E' il momento, da adesso la si piglia per il culo il più possibile facendole credere che ci stiamo cascando!

[13:02:34] nadiaone1: yes
[13:03:02] Itakian: do you work too?
[13:03:11] nadiaone1: no work
[13:03:54] Itakian: and how do you live?
[13:04:11] nadiaone1: well for now things are hard for me
[13:05:06] Itakian: I bet
[13:05:23] Itakian: how do you eat and all?
[13:05:50] nadiaone1: well the money my mum had in her account
[13:06:08] nadiaone1: that is wht i have been using them for school and now i am out of the money
[13:06:23] nadiaone1: and i am also drop out from school

Ha finito i soldi. Toh! Ovviamente voleva arrivare qui, e il prossimo passo sarà chiedermeli, 'sti soldi. Ma per quanto uno scammer sia stupido non è "così" stupido e sappiamo entrambi che non è ancor ail momento per chiederli.
Vuole cuocermi bene, e quando penserà di avermi in pugno farà la sua richiesta.

[13:06:52] Itakian: what will you do then?
[13:07:05] nadiaone1: well  dont know
[13:07:18] nadiaone1: and even i tried to find job but i could not get
[13:07:24] nadiaone1: it is hard for me
[13:08:15] Itakian: I bet, sorry to hear that :(
[13:10:29] nadiaone1: Oh okay thank you
[13:10:45] nadiaone1: but now i tried my boyfriend but i cant get him
[13:11:58] Itakian: why? where is he?
[13:12:18] nadiaone1: i dont know
[13:13:04] Itakian: why? where does he lives?
[13:13:23] nadiaone1: well he lives in Ghana too
[13:13:38] Itakian: so? why can't you contact him? :O
[13:13:47] nadiaone1: i dont know i dont reach him when i call his cell
[13:14:04] Itakian: since when?
[13:14:18] nadiaone1: since last month
[13:14:29] Itakian: and you don't know where he lives?
[13:15:02] nadiaone1: I do. The truth about it is that i loved him but i did not let him know
[13:15:30] nadiaone1: when he proposed to me i like it but i told him i was not intrested
[13:15:47] nadiaone1: so i think maybe he has go for another girl
Comincia a premere! Così mi piace: padre morto, beni fregati dalla sua famiglia, madre morta, niente soldi per pagarsi nemmeno l'università, niente lavoro, e pure un ragazzo sparito da un mese!
*Acid mode *on
[13:16:34] Itakian: maybe yes, it would not be so strange
[13:17:01] Itakian: you're pretty, but afterone month...a man has his needs in the end...
[13:17:46] nadiaone1: hmmm i dont know, but i wish i could get help
Primo timido tentativo. "I wish I cold get help". Io faccio lo gnorri.
[13:18:13] nadiaone1: but because of what i think about him now i donk like him again
[13:19:12] Itakian: so you DON'T have a boyfriend hehe
[13:19:16] nadiaone1: why hmmmm i think this is my secreat
Sìììììììììì, voglio conoscerli tutti i tuoi segreti-balle! Vediamo fin dove arrivi con la fantasia.
[13:19:47] nadiaone1: yo are the only one to know about this
[13:19:49] Itakian: well, if you don't hear from him since one month and you don't like don't have a bf anymore I guess
[13:19:59] Itakian: I'm not gonna tell anyone ;)
[13:20:15] nadiaone1: hmmmm
[13:22:22] Itakian: I'm going to have lunch now, I'll be back in an hour. Write me something in the meanwhile, I'll gladly read when I come back ;)
[13:23:35] nadiaone1: well what i will like to write now is to ask you for help
[13:24:07] Itakian: write it, what could I do for you? (I'll be back in an hour, write me ) byeee
[13:24:25] nadiaone1: Okay

Gli spammer, come probabilmente avrete già intuito, usano account di Skype fasulli. Ovviamente perché appena vengono sgamati la gente li segnala e Skype li banna. Spesso i loro indirizzi email stessi contengono numeri progressivi...mica puoi inventarti un nuovo nome ogni volta.
Questo però li mette in una situazione di svantaggio non da poco: usando l'acocunt per più chat contemporaneamente devono essere molto veloci perché il primo che se ne accorge li farà bannare e rischiano di perdere tutti i potenziali coglioni-clienti.
E' già più di un'ora che mi scrive, deve darsi una mossa, e io sto pure andando a pranzo...questo le mette ancora più pressione, quindi rende esplicita la sua richiesta di aiuto sperando che stia ad ascoltarla.
Eh no, io me ne vado a magnà!
A pranzo chiacchero col mio collega, gli racconto cosa sta succedendo, rimbalzo i suoi "e se poi è tutto vero? La stai pigliando per il culo per niente!".
Sì, ok. Se è tutto vero quella povera ragazza non avrebbe nemmeno i soldi per internet...e tutto fuorché tempo di cercare soldi online da sconosciuti.
Ma decido di fornire anche a lui le prove. Gli dico che cercherò di farmi mandare sue foto, e che so già che mi chiederà di spedirle soldi su un account Western Union (è sempre così).

[14:17:32] Itakian: I'm back
[14:17:36] Itakian: so?
[14:29:06] nadiaone1: Okay, So can i tell you now
[14:29:21] nadiaone1: i have been waiting here since
[14:38:00] Itakian: yes, tell me, please
Comincio a pregarla di raccontare :D Come mi piace farla sentire così importante!!! Come mi pregusto quanto si sentirà pigliata per il culo poi!
[14:38:26] nadiaone1: I really want to ask you if you could help me get back to school
[14:39:04] Itakian: how could I help you? We live so far...
Provo a fare ancora lo gnorri... :D
[14:39:43] nadiaone1: well if you could get me little amount by sending it through western union money transfer
[14:40:02] nadiaone1: i think that was where my father use to send me money before she died
FINALMENTE! Due ore e quaranta dopo, arriva l'esplicita richiesta di aiuto finanziario. Penserà che sono proprio un coglione a non esserci arrivato prima, ma fa niente.
Ed ecco la prima esplicita prova: Western Union. Avviso il collega che la cosa si fa interessante ;)
[14:41:46] Itakian: I'm getting so have such a harsh life :( how much could you need? are school expensive in Ghana?
Quanto sto godendo da 1 a 1000 a fingere tristezza per la sua falsa situazione?
[14:42:11] nadiaone1: okay i need 200 euros
[14:43:42] Itakian:'s a lot of money :( even in Italy right now (with crysis and so on)... :( But I'll try to see if I can sent you some :) I never used western union tough...I would need a nearby office where to go I think...
[14:44:15] nadiaone1: okay so when will you do this for me
[14:45:29] Itakian: I'll try to do it asap ok? I'm not sure if I can send you 200€...but maybe 50-100€ I could it ok the same?
[14:46:29] nadiaone1: okay, but please when will you do that
Ho proprio voglia di mandarle soldi, e lei una strana fretta di riceverli...
[14:47:45] Itakian: maybe tonight ok? which currency there is in ghana? dollars are ok? or even euro?
[14:48:07] Itakian: and don't you have to give me any address or number for your western union account, or something like that?
[14:48:18] nadiaone1: here in Ghana is cedis but i think you should send in euros
[14:48:28] nadiaone1: here is an address
[14:48:56] nadiaone1:
[14:49:19] nadiaone1: i think here was the one my father was usinmg to send me the money
[14:49:37] nadiaone1: take this to the westernunion
[14:50:00] Itakian: ok, I'll try it I find you only here on skype?
[14:50:11] Itakian: will you be here?
[14:50:31] nadiaone1: what time
[14:50:44] Itakian: tonight...around 21 I think
[14:50:53] nadiaone1: can i give you my number so that you can call me when  you do that
[14:51:37] Itakian: you can try, but I don't know if I have international calls active on my phone
[14:51:42] Itakian: so I may not be able to contact you
[14:51:44] Itakian: poor baby :(
[14:51:49] nadiaone1: +233546900017
[14:51:54] nadiaone1: okay can you give me yours
Con 'sto stracazzo che ti do il mio numero di cell. Comincia a darmi TU il tuo, "Povera ragazza" :P :P :P
[14:53:30] Itakian: I better not do that, it's shared with my wife and is better if she doesn't know...She would not understand how much you need that money :(
[14:53:51] Itakian: I'll try to contact you, if you see a number from italy is mine
[14:53:53] Itakian: +39
[14:54:04] Itakian: if I don't, I'll wait for you here on skype
La moglie al potere è una scusa universale. Tu dite "mia moglie non..." e nessuno aprirà più bocca, sopratutto perché la tizia in questione è sicuramente un lui.
[14:54:20] Itakian: I saw I have an office near...Maybe I could go around 17
[14:54:28] nadiaone1: Okay, i will be wiating
[14:54:54] Itakian: please, resist...I'm feeling so sad...but happy I can help you
[14:55:12] nadiaone1: okay
Anticipo l'ora, voglio che le salga di più la voglia di avere i miei soldi. La delusione sarà sicuramente maggiore, "dopo".
"Resisti per favore! Mi sento così triste... ma felice di poterti aiutare!"
[14:55:35] Itakian: don't I need your address too? the street. you didn't gave me one (maybe WU doesn't need it?)
[14:55:42] nadiaone1: okay why not when you send me the money you can send me the westernunion receipt on my cel number
[14:56:06] nadiaone1: no my father did not includ that
[14:56:19] Itakian: I'm not sure I can do that. if you have an email I'll send there,otherwise I'll send it here on skype :(
[14:56:19] nadiaone1: i think is what i have given to you
[14:56:27] Itakian: I'll try to do it as soon as possible
[14:56:34] Itakian: I see you really need it
[14:56:48] nadiaone1:
[14:57:04] nadiaone1: my father use to call me mrs
[14:57:16] nadiaone1: but i prefer to spell it like miss
[14:57:21] nadiaone1: ;(
[14:57:29] nadiaone1: my dad was kind to me
[14:57:29] Itakian: poor baby
[14:57:35] nadiaone1: i loved him
[14:57:57] Itakian: of course you loved was your daddy...and his family betrayed you and your mother...fuckers!
[14:58:20] nadiaone1: ;(

Il tuo povero papino...era scammer pure lui? Ti ha insegnato lui il mestiere?

[15:01:06] nadiaone1: thank you for your concern
[15:01:22] Itakian: you are a nice girl, and really pretty too, I just couldn't let you alone
[15:02:13] nadiaone1: Thank you
[15:02:37] nadiaone1: i will be looking forward to your help if i dont meet you online
[15:02:56] nadiaone1: i will be also happy to read your email when you send me
[15:03:38] Itakian: I'll try to come back as soon as I can, I'll go out soon and try to send you some money ok? but I hope you'll be here on skype, rally, I would miss you
[15:04:10] nadiaone1: okay i will try to wait for you
[15:08:00] Itakian: I'm reading over the Western Union website, it seems that I will need your passport/id card copy  to send you money...could you send a scanned copy to me? just as precaution, I would not like to go there for nothing :(
[15:09:10] nadiaone1: well i dont know where my mum has keeped it
[15:09:24] nadiaone1: so i think i have to seach her files
[15:09:45] nadiaone1: But please try it because my dad did not take my passport ever
[15:10:05] nadiaone1: even i did not have one when he ws sending me from westernunion
[15:10:13] nadiaone1: so i think it will be okay
[15:10:17] nadiaone1: try it for me
[15:10:37] Itakian: ok
C'ho provato, ma la carta d'identità mica me la invia ;)
[15:11:10] Itakian: will you do me a favor whilst? will you send me some photos of yours? I'd like to see you a little
[15:12:06] nadiaone1: okay
Ora mi servono le sue foto. Dovete sapere che gli scammer di solito utilizzano foto di ragazze prese da siti internet soft-porn, di solito non troppo famose, normalmente carine.
E' facile per loro trovarne molte, e far cadere ingenui uomini arrapati nel tranello.
Entriamo in modalità "ingenuo uomo arrapato".
Mi arrivano le immagini:

Ora, dai, anche un coglione capirebbe che sono finte.
Ne carico una su TinyEye, e scopro che la tizia in questione è tal soft-pornstar XXX XXX. Cercando il suo nome in google images molte foto portano la scritta "used by scammers". Bingo.

[15:13:17] nadiaone1: accept them all
[15:14:59] Itakian: wow, you are so pretty? :O any other photos? :)
[15:15:46] nadiaone1: let me check
[15:17:03] Itakian: thank you, you are so pretty...and what big boobs...sorry...I'm even a married man...better not tell it to my wife!

"Sei così carina...e che tette grosse". Questa è mitica...non vedevo l'ora di dirglielo, e di prepararmi il campo a nuove scuse che mi serviranno dopo, continuando con la storia della moglie.
Fra l'altro, 'sto idiota mi manda foto di una che non centra un cazzo con la videochiamata iniziale. Va bene che sono così stupido da mandarti dei un po' di contegno!
A proposito della videochiamata iniziale, di solito usano questo trucchetto per farti credere che siano persone reali. Prendono un video da uno dei soliti siti soft-porn, e ne mostrano un pezzettino in webcam (esistono decine di tool che permettono di farlo). Così l'ignaro coglione crede veramente di parlare con una 25enne in calore. Seeeee.

[15:19:46] nadiaone1: i have little problem with my computer i have to restart i'll be with you in 1 min
[15:20:03] Itakian: ok
[15:22:51] nadiaone1: i am right here
[15:23:12] nadiaone1: accept the last picture
[15:23:45] Itakian: didn't get it
[15:25:12] Itakian: than you, very sexy
[15:25:26] Itakian: I'm going now, I'll try to send you some money...I'll be back soon (20-30 minuits I think), ok?
[15:25:49] nadiaone1: are you going now to send the money?
[15:25:55] Itakian: yep, I have some time free
[15:26:06] nadiaone1: okay i am waiting
Sì sì, aspetta che vado e torno!
[15:26:12] nadiaone1: how much will you get me
[15:26:46] Itakian: still don't know...80-120€ maybe. it depends also on how much I have to pay the transaction...I'll see
[15:26:50] Itakian: sorry I can't send you more :(
[15:27:09] nadiaone1: okay that is okay
[15:28:49] nadiaone1: try and go now i am waiting for you.?

E grazie al cazzo è okay, ti sto mandando soldi gratis!!
Vado su google, cerco "Western Union receipt generator" e ne scelgo uno buono. Inserisco dati fasulli e mi stampo la ricevuta su carta (potrebbe servire). La stropiccio un po'.

Dopo 25 minuti le scrivo.

[15:55:05] Itakian: my dear,  I was so lucky I could do it for you already. I didn't even know I had a WU office so near my office hehe!
[15:55:26] Itakian: They didn't ask for your ID or passport, but they asked me for some question they'll ask you before getting money. the question is "Where do I live?" and you must reply "Italy" ok? they told me is the only way you can get the money without ID card...maybe your dad sent you money like this before he died? do you remember?
[15:56:43] Itakian: You'll find the transfer with the name of Simona Caruffa...she is my lover and provided me her C/C for the operation ;) My wife better not to know it...

Basta informarsi sul sito WU e scoprire cose interessanti. Spiegandogliele crederà che ci sei stato veramente.
Non voglio darle il mio nome ovviamente, quindi mi invento di aver usato la carta di credito della mia AMANTE (uahaha!) Simona Caruffa (spero non esistano donne con questo nome, se sì...perdonatemi. Ogni riferimento è puramente casuale)
La mia AMANTE d'altronde capisce il mio bisogno di mandare soldi a sconosciute tettone, mia moglie no. :P

[15:57:27] Itakian: but i don't have a scanner for the receipt...argh! how can I send it to you??
[15:58:15] nadiaone1: what is your full name then
[15:58:29] nadiaone1: okay my father use to give me this
[15:58:32] nadiaone1: MTCN:
[15:58:46] nadiaone1: SENDERS FIRST NAME
[15:58:57] nadiaone1: SENDERS SECOND NAME
[15:59:08] nadiaone1: QUESTION
[15:59:11] nadiaone1: ANSWER
[15:59:21] nadiaone1: i think this is what my father use to give me
[15:59:31] nadiaone1: before i can pick the money
[15:59:40] nadiaone1: so can you give me this
[15:59:48] nadiaone1: now please

Hey! Che fretta hai? Siamo amici oramai, o lo fai soo per i soldi???? ;)

[15:59:54] Itakian: it Money Transfer Control Number?
[16:00:22] nadiaone1: yes
[16:00:27] Itakian: first name: Simona
[16:00:32] Itakian: last name: Caruffa
[16:00:41] Itakian: question: Where do I live?
[16:00:45] Itakian: answer: Italy
[16:01:02] Itakian: MTCN is Money Transfer Control Number?'s the first time I do it...
[16:01:08] Itakian: I don't understand very well

Haha, non c'è niente che li fa sentire più sicuri che chattare con uno stupido che non capisce nemmeno come funziona un trasferimento di denaro.

[16:01:33] nadiaone1: okay if you dont have it then go to the bank and get it now
[16:01:40] nadiaone1: before they close
[16:01:47] nadiaone1: plese
[16:02:07] Itakian: I have it
[16:02:18] Itakian: on the receipt is Money Transfer Control Number:
[16:02:24] Itakian: 62 40 16 61 92
[16:02:26] Itakian: is it ok?
[16:02:31] nadiaone1: yes is the same as MTCN
[16:02:34] Itakian: pfiu
[16:02:34] nadiaone1: okay thank you
[16:02:51] Itakian: I sent you only 100€, because there where some transactions costs :(
[16:03:04] Itakian: sorry, I relly hope You'll go to school soon
[16:03:08] nadiaone1: Try and send me your picture in my mail i have to go and check the bank now
[16:03:13] Itakian: It's so sad ther's people like you in the world...
[16:03:20] nadiaone1: Okay thank you

Aka: non gliene frega già pià un cazzo di chattare con me...

[16:03:44] Itakian: you too, come back soon!
[16:03:47] nadiaone1: But thank you for helping me with half
[16:03:58] nadiaone1: Okay are you waiting for me.?
[16:04:27] nadiaone1: i will be right back
[16:04:40] Itakian: yes, I'm here
[16:04:55] Itakian: please come back soon, so we can chat more
[16:05:18] nadiaone1: ok

Ce l'ho fatta! L'ho spedita/o all'ufficio WU. Altro tempo che le faccio perdere. Se solo riuscissi a farlo una seconda volta...vediamo che mi dice quando torna.

[16:19:26] nadiaone1:  hello i am  here  i have  little problem with the bumbers
[16:19:33] nadiaone1:  can  you check once more for  me dear
[16:20:13] Itakian: bumbers?
[16:20:27] Itakian: what's bumbers?
[16:20:40] nadiaone1: the mtcn numbers
[16:20:46] Itakian: ah, numbers
[16:20:49] nadiaone1:  is  wrong i am so  sad about it
[16:20:50] Itakian: mmm...wait
[16:21:01] Itakian: I write them again
[16:21:04] nadiaone1: ok
[16:21:43] Itakian: 62 40 16 61 92
[16:21:46] Itakian: are they ok?
[16:22:12] nadiaone1: what is  your  full name
[16:22:22] nadiaone1:  you use to send the money?
[16:22:32] Itakian: on the receipt there is Simona Caruffa
[16:22:42] Itakian: did you have problems? do I have to call the office here to ask?
[16:22:59] nadiaone1: ok
[16:23:11] Itakian: wait, I look for the number and call them
[16:23:21] nadiaone1:  i trac it on  my pc and is not right
[16:23:31] Itakian: I'm calling them, wait
[16:23:38] nadiaone1: ok
[16:23:52] nadiaone1:  but can tyou show me the western union receipt in web cam?
[16:24:02] Itakian: 'corse I can
[16:24:08] nadiaone1: ok do that
[16:24:12] nadiaone1: ok
[16:24:12] Itakian: wait, my collegue must not see it...
[16:24:19] nadiaone1: ok
[16:24:20] Itakian: he'll go to the bathroom soon I hope

Comincia a mangiare la foglia putroppo. Ma tant'è...ho fatto bene a stampare la falsa ricevuta su carta.

[16:24:22] *** Call from nadiaone1 declined. ***
[16:26:06] nadiaone1: i am waiting  to see the  details in web cam i mean the receipt
[16:26:09] Itakian: I'm sending him to take a coffee
[16:26:11] Itakian: so I can show you
[16:26:14] *** Call from nadiaone1 declined. ***
[16:26:25] Itakian: I need to send him away..i don't want him to see
[16:30:46] Itakian: I called the office, they told me they had some server problems, it should be ok now. you can call me if you wanna see the numbers on the receipt ok? but fast...collegue is going to be back soon
[16:31:12] *** Call to nadiaone1, no answer. ***
[16:31:45] *** Call from nadiaone1 ***
[16:31:48] Itakian: please, fast
[16:32:02] *** Call ended, duration 00:17 ***
[16:32:06] Itakian: he is comimng, shit
[16:32:30] *** Call from nadiaone1 declined. ***
[16:32:33] Itakian: he came back
[16:32:34] nadiaone1: ok is okay
[16:32:35] Itakian: didn't you see it?
[16:32:43] Itakian: the name also
[16:32:56] nadiaone1: i have to check again
[16:32:59] nadiaone1: bye see you
[16:33:03] Itakian: ok

Forse ce l'ho fatta. Mi sono inventato di problemi sul server di WU, e le ho mostrato la ricevuta in cam.
Sarà tornata a cercare di prelevare i soldi inesistenti? Lo spero proprio, ma non mi scriverà più.

[17:03:37] Itakian: Nadiaaaa, where are you my dear? I'm waiting for you, did you get the money????

E infatti dopo quest'ultimo mio disperato tentativo di pigliarla per il culo, la blocco e segnalo l'account a Skype.

Ecco, più li tirate scemi voi, meno tempo avranno per fregare soldi ad altri.

P.S. Ovviamente le chat sono state copiate e incollate dall'originale ;) E...NO, il mio contatto skype NON è Itakian.

mercoledì 18 luglio 2012

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